O sistema Lift & Sliding HS é uma solução para grandes superfícies de vidro abertas. Também melhora o isolamento térmico, é funcional e estético. É possível aplicar perfis largos, bem como mecanismo coberto que pode levantar folhas de até 400 kg de peso, mas também ter vidro economizador de energia com U g =0,5 W/m 2 K. O mecanismo de deslizamento (rodas) está escondido na moldura da folha. As alças e o trilho são apenas elementos visíveis.
Sectional garage doors are utterly convenient, offer maximum security and allow perfect use of the space. They are comprised of individual elements, so-called sections, connected by hinges, which make it possible to roll the door up or down vertically and to slide it conveniently underneath the ceiling without it swinging outwards in front of the garage and thus taking up space.
So you gain additional space in front of the garage, where you might want to park a second car, for example. And garages located near roads or pavements do not put pedestrians at risk and the traffic keeps flowing. Garage doors with electrical operators always leave the full passage height clear – which is ideal for tall vehicles, such as SUVs or vans.
Appearance-wise, sectional garage doors leave nothing to be desired, either: high-quality materials, top-quality processing and a wide variety of additional fittings give each garage an individual look – in keeping
Erlas' signature is in Turkey's most watched movies and TV series! We keep the pulse of the industry with our stage decor design and movie decor application services!
We have implemented series decorations and stage decorations for successful TV and cinema projects, especially for the TV series "Establishment Osman", "Fatih - Fetih Bir Begindi". We continue to design and produce 3D models, facades, house and street animations in accordance with the scenario and concept.
We prepare realistic decors with great care and attention with our expert team in the field of stage design!
Το ΖΕΤΑ28 D.I.Y. KIT αφορά την μονόφυλλη ΖΕΤΑ 28 και είναι ημιέτοιμο προϊόν σε τυποποιημένες διαστάσεις.
Φέρει αυτοκόλλητη μετροταινία με δυνατότητα κοπής έως 25 εκατοστά. Κόβεται και συναρμολογείται εύκολα σε 3 μόλις λεπτά.
Είναι η ιδανική λύση για όλων των ειδών τα κουφώματα και ειδικά για κουφώματα μεγάλων διαστάσεων όπου ο χώρος τοποθέτησης είναι περιορισμένος.
Εύκολη στην χρήση, λειτουργεί χειροκίνητα απαιτώντας ελάχιστη δύναμη. Σταματάει ενδιάμεσα σε οποιοδήποτε σημείο και κουμπώνει στο αντίκρισμα με κρυφό γάντζο ή μαγνήτη.
Διαθέτει πολυεστερικό πλισέ πανί και κορδόνια άριστης ποιότητας , που παρέχουν εξαιρετική αντοχή στον αέρα και στη συχνή καθημερινή χρήση.
Ο μόλις 8 χιλιοστών κάτω οδηγός επιτρέπει την εύκολη διέλευση από ΑΜΕΑ, παιδιά και ηλικιωμένους. Επίσης φέρει οριζόντιες τομές για την διαφυγή του νερού.
Le Dino-Lite AM5218MZTL est conçu pour se connecter directement à des moniteurs HDTV ou LCD via l'interface HD ou DVI au format HD 720p avec un polariseur et une distance de travail plus longue que les modèles standard. Ce modèle actualisé de la série Edge offre une qualité d'image supérieure grâce à une conception d'objectif de pointe, offrant une qualité d'image incomparable avec une netteté stupéfiante, moins d'aberration et le moins de vignettage sur toute la plage de grossissement. Le polariseur vous permet d'observer les surfaces en haute résolution et de voir des détails que vous ne pouviez pas voir avec un éclairage direct. La fonction MicroTouch de l'AM5218MZTL permet d'arrêter la vidéo en direct pour examiner les détails en appuyant sur le capteur MicroTouch pendant 1 seconde. Les LEDs peuvent également être allumées en maintenant le même capteur MicroTouch pendant deux secondes ou plus.
Distance de travail:Longue
Composite / Métal:Metal
Plage de grossissement (niv. de zoom):10x - 140x
Résolution (technique):HD 720p
Résolution pour moteur de recherche:HD 720p
Code douane SH:90118000
Mesure et calibration:Non
Flexible LED Control (FLC):Non
Automatic Magnification Reading (AMR):Non
Extended Depth of Field (EDOF):Non
Enhanced Dynamic Range (EDR):Non
Depth Acquisition (DPQ):Non
Eclairage Coaxial (AXI):Non
LEDs (type et nombre):Blanc (8)
Adaptateur sans fil (wi-fi):non
Bouton tactile (Microtouch):Oui
Verrouillage de la molette de grossissement:Oui
Système d'exploitation:Ecran Tv
Fréquence d'images (max):60 fps
Dimensions:10.5cm (L) x 3.2cm (D)
Longueur de câble:N/A
Normes d'imagerie:N/A
Période de garantie:2 ans
Longueur d'onde d'émission (filtre):N/A
Longueur d'onde d'excitation (LED):N/A
Pays d'origine:Taiwan
Norme réglementaire:CE, FCC
Sosis Kol Aynalı
Teknik Bilgiler
Yüzey Renk Seçenekleri : Eloksal , Şampanya , Beyaz , Siyah , Naturel , Pres.
Kullanım Alanı : Alüminyum kapı doğrama sistemlerinde kullanılmaktadır. Birçok kapı profillerine uygundur. Aluminyum profilden üretilmiştir. İstenilen eloksal renk yapılabilir.
Malzeme Cinsi : Sap Aluminyum , Ayna Aluminyum
Hat der Zahn der Zeit an Ihren Fenstern und Türen Spuren hinterlassen?
Es besteht die Möglichkeit, Dichtungen zu wechseln, Beschläge zu erneuern oder Scheiben/ Glas auszutauschen mit einer bis zu 4-fach höheren Wärmedämmung im Vergleich zu Ihrer Altscheibe.
Holzfenster können oft mit Aluminium-Schalen außen nachgerüstet werden. Dann haben Sie für lange Zeit Ruhe und Ihre Fenster haben eine vielfach höhere Lebenserwartung.
Wir halten für Sie die passende Lösung parat.
Auch ausgerissene oder verschobene Rollladen werden repariert, erneuert oder durch Motorisierung modernisiert.
- Formule prête à l'emploi
- Dégraisse et fait briller
- Ne laisse pas de traces
EU Ecolabel : BE/020/027
- Dégraisse et fait briller les vitres, les miroirs, les portes vitrées, les vitres de voitures, les meubles en verre.
Etat physique:liquide
DENSITÉ:0,995 kg/l (20°c)
Fast, serial and precise dimensioning opportunity with step motor
Touch screen panel
Fast material flow thanks to roller wheels
System that adapts to cutting machines.
Easy-to-use design.
Cutting capacity up to a maximum of 3 meters. (for special order 4,5m)
MEGRAME® uPVC sliding patio doors ensures great functionality and at the same time creates a modern house design. Sliding doors close smoothly and quietly and can be installed anywhere in the building that requires a panoramic exit doors to the terrace, balcony or courtyard.
Sliding doors has a great heat and sound insulation. It is a modern energy efficient product that is designed to keep your home warm and is ideal choice when you want to maximize your home’s thermal performance and enjoy large glass interior with great view.
MEGRAME® uPVC sliding doors are customizable and versatile, available in variety of colours and designs.
Einfachverglastes Dachlamellenfenster
• Rahmenaußenschale kann individuell gekantet werden für Montagen auf Beton- oder Holzaufkantungen, Ziegeldächer oder auch klassische PR-Systeme.
• Einbaulage ab 10° bis ca. 80°.
• Innen umlaufender Aluminiumrahmen mit integrierter Antriebsmechanik in den Pfosten und verdecktem 24 V / 230 V E-Antrieb.
• Geschuppte Lamellenausführung punktuell auf Sog und Druck gehalten
• Schlagregendichtigkeit nach EN 12208: nicht geprüft
• Luftdichtigkeit nach EN 12207: nicht geprüft
• Windlast nach EN 12210: nicht geprüft
• Schallschutz Rw: nicht geprüft
• NRWG nach EN 12101-2: nein
Ansichtsbreite von innen: 54 mm
Profiltiefe ca.: 70 mm
Einspanntiefe: ---
Einspannstärke Standard: 12 mm
integrierte Beschlagstechnik aus Edelstahl: ja
Lamellenhöhe: 250 mm bis 800 mm
Elementgrößen: Breite AK Rahmen mind. 450 mm bis max. 5.000 mm
Öffnungswinkel: In Abhängigkeit der Lamellenhöhe bis 75 Grad
Non c’è niente di meglio che dormire con la finestra aperta e poi svegliarsi ammirando una splendida vista. Fortunatamente con la nostra zanzariera UltraVue® puoi mantenere la visuale libera senza preoccuparti degli insetti che entrano in casa per cercare riparo dal caldo. La rete quasi invisibile della zanzariera UltraVue® ti consente di goderti una leggera brezza e il panorama senza insetti fastidiosi. La nuova tecnologia Water Shed™ di Phifer mantiene intatta la tua esperienza visiva e allo stesso tempo respinge l’acqua e previene il deposito di sporco. UltraVue è progettata con un maggiore fattore di apertura che agevola il flusso d’aria.
Rivestimento idrorepellente che non si lava via
Riduce l’effetto appannaggio sul vetro durante i temporali
Rimane pulita più a lungo
Offre maggiore nitidezza della vista verso l’esterno e una maggiore luminosità
Migliora la trasmissione della luce nelle finestre con vetri a bassa emissività
Certificato GREENGUARD
Colori zanzariera:Nero
Product material: Plywood
This product can be fabricated in any other sizes on demand
This product can be painted or stained in various colors on demand.
Depth:79 сm
Height:190 cm
Length:60 cm
Manzara ile aranıza girecek tüm küçük detayları ortadan kaldıran sistemdir. Özellikte zemin katlardaki yapılarda benzersiz manzara ve hareket imkanı sağlar. Devasa boyutlardaki Cam ağırlığıbu sistem sayesinde kullanıcıya güç sarfetmeden havalandırma ve hareket imkanı sağlar.
Çelik kapı üretim ve montaj standartlarına uygun olarak, kasalar 1.5 mm çelik profilden imal edilmiştir. Güvenlik noktalarında ise bu ölçü 3.5 mm kalınlığa ulaşmaktadır. Kasa yapısı kasa ile duvar arasına boşluk kalmayacak şekilde duvarı kavrar niteliktedir. İmalatımız, yerinde ve her kapıya özel ölçümleme ile yapılmaktadır.
Kapı serenleri 1.5 mm kalınlığında profilden, güvenlik noktalarında 6.5 mm kalınlığa ulaşan niteliktedir. Kanat içi 0,70 mm sac ile desteklenmiştir.
Tüm metal aksam istenilen kaplama ile ahşap görünümdedir. Metalin soğuk görüntüsü ve dokusu kasada 8mm, kanatta 8mm ahşap kullanılarak estetik ve sıcak bir görünüme dönüştürülmüştür.